Attorney's Fees (minimum)

Government Fees

Total Fees (minimum)

Preparing and filing a Patent Application


$370 (small entity)

$740 (large entity)



Preparing and filing a Design Patent Application

$600 + drawing costs

$165 (small entity)

$330 (large entity)



Patent Novelty Search










Attorney's Fees 

Government Fees

Total Fees (minimum)

Search of Federally Registered, State Registered and Common Law Trademarks (word marks)




Search of Federally Registered Trademarks (design marks)

calculated at hourly rate, minimum of $350


minimum of $350

Preparing and Filing a Federal Trademark Application


$325 (per class)











Attorney's Fees 

Government Fees

Total Fees (minimum)

Preparing and filing of U.S. Copyright (simple)




Hiring a full service intellectual property law firm located in Boise, Idaho has its benefits, namely, fees which are a fraction of what is charged in larger metropolitan areas (Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, etc.).

If you have fee questions not answered above, please e-mail or call us.

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