Attorney's Fees (minimum) |
Government Fees |
Total Fees (minimum) |
Preparing and filing a Patent Application |
$2700 |
$370 (small entity) $740 (large entity) |
$3070 $3425 |
Preparing and filing a Design Patent Application |
$600 + drawing costs |
$165 (small entity) $330 (large entity) |
$765 $930 |
Patent Novelty Search |
$450 |
$450 |
Attorney's Fees |
Government Fees |
Total Fees (minimum) |
Search of Federally Registered, State Registered and Common Law Trademarks (word marks) |
$350 |
$350 |
Search of Federally Registered Trademarks (design marks) |
calculated at hourly rate, minimum of $350 |
minimum of $350 |
Preparing and Filing a Federal Trademark Application |
$450 |
$325 (per class) |
$775 |
Attorney's Fees |
Government Fees |
Total Fees (minimum) |
Preparing and filing of U.S. Copyright (simple) |
$300 |
$30 |
$330 |
Hiring a full service intellectual property law firm located in Boise, Idaho
has its benefits, namely, fees which are a fraction of what is charged in larger
metropolitan areas (Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los
Angeles, etc.).
If you have fee questions not answered above, please e-mail or call us.